Come Join us on Zoom!
For the March Power Hour Social Event, we are super excited to have Coach Nate and Coach Afua hosting a virtual Minute To Win It competition! AND……there will be a special guest in attendance! Don’t miss this one—it’s going to be a lot of fun!
- Date: Friday the March 25th
- Time for (K-6): 3pm – 4pm MST
- Students that normally have Coach Hyrum or Morgan (AKA 8am and 9am MST groups) Join with this link:
- https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87398359825?pwd=ZHY2STA5NDkrenBmN0l0amtkVktUUT09
- Passcode: 073516
- Students that normally have Coach Abbie, Manasseh, or Nate (AKA 10am, 11am, or 1pm MST groups) Join with this link:
- https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83148933892?pwd=TWo3YTIrVEVPaTJ0MDM4Q1FlclBtZz09
- Passcode: 804001
- Students that normally have Coach Hyrum or Morgan (AKA 8am and 9am MST groups) Join with this link:
- Time for (7-12): 4pm – 5pm MST
- All Students grades 7th-12th
- https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82327724289?pwd=MlNWNzh2NFo3ODhEY2lXT1pYdytvdz09
- Passcode: 241142
- All Students grades 7th-12th
- Prize: Winner from each group will receive an AHS Patriot Swag Bag including sweatshirt, t-shirt, and music from the Lyceum Orchestra!
Each contestant should come to the event prepared with the items from the supply list, below. Each challenge will begin with a demonstration from so everyone understands. Then we will sound the buzzer to begin the one-minute countdown. At the end of each round, contestants will record their points on their score card (print here). We will play between five and eight games from the list below. At the end of the group round, the top three scoring contestants will compete in a championship round!
Important: Make sure that you prepare your room so that we can see the contestants completing each challenge. Have a hard table, bench, desk, or any large flat surface on which they can perform many of the challenges (see below). Although not required, moving furniture to provide a large space will be advantageous for some of the challenges. Have the three balloons needed for “Defy Gravity” blown up, in advance. The more blown up, the easier, fyi. Lastly, feel free to practice the group challenges, beforehand! Many have other tips, online.
For younger contestants: Parents, if your child is having a hard time completing challenges and getting discouraged, please step in and help them. Although this will disqualify them from the championship round, they will have a lot of fun and feel successful during the group stage, still. We will be modifying some of the challenges for younger participants, too (i.e. 2 balloons instead of 3 for “Defy Gravity.”)
- Defy Gravity: Keep three balloons in the air using only your hands.
- Stack It Up: Stack 25 pennies without it falling using only one hand.
- Pyramid: Stack a pyramid of 21 cups without falling (first level has 6 cups, then 5, 4, 3, 2, 1).
- Movin’ on Up: One cup at a time, completely transfer a stack of 25 plastic cups from the bottom to the top so that the original marked cup on the bottom is on the bottom, again.
- Suck It Up: Using a straw, suction up 25 M&Ms and transfer from one plate to another.
- Cookie Face: Using only your face muscles, transfer one Oreo cookie from your forehead to your mouth.
- Hurricane: Blow up a balloon as many times as you need to knock over 10 plastic cups.
- Snow Shovel: Holding a plastic spoon with your mouth, transfer five large marshmallows from one bowl to the other.
- Defy Gravity Advanced: Information will be provided about this challenge Live, only.
- Dry Mouth: Information will be provided about this challenge Live, only.
- Cookie Crumble: Information will be provided about this challenge Live, only.
- 3 balloons blown up (12–18″ sizes, only)
- 25 pennies
- 25 plastic party cups (16 oz size, only)
- 1 standard straight straw
- 1 bag of M&Ms (plain M&M’s, only)
- 2 plates (any size will do, but smaller ones are easier)
- 1 bag of Oreo cookies (or similar-sized sandwich cookie)
- 1 empty balloon (12–18″ sizes, only)
- 1 bag of large marshmallows
- 2 bowls (heavier bowls work best)
- 1 package of saltine crackers
Friday, March 25th
AHS Worldwide