One of the most exciting times of the school year is the first week of school. New teachers, old and new friends and new things to learn about. Here are 10 ways to make the transition from Summer into that first week as smooth as possible for you and your kids.

  1. Help your kids continue learning into the Summer. It is important to keep your kids minds sharp so they feel prepared once the school year comes around. There are so many fun things to do in the summer that allows kids to get their wiggles out and learn at the same time. Here is a link to our list of fun places to learn.
  2. Maintain some routine in the Summer. This is easier said than done and will look different for every family. Each of us sometimes wants to just give up on the structure for a while and that is okay. However, it is helpful, especially for kids, to have some structure to keep them on track. Here are some more ideas on schedules other families have used.
  3. Exercise. This can come in the form of sports camps, playing games in the backyard, family hikes or trips to the gym. Keeping your kids exercising can help them stay active and their sleep patterns will be more consistent. This will help their 
  4. Read books as a family. This can be so helpful in keeping your kid’s imaginations alive! It also helps kids who may not like to read to have opportunities to read in small portions. If children see their parents and siblings reading, they are more likely to transi

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