Annual 2025 AHS Youth Retreat

May 27–30, 2025

@ AHS American Fork Campus (736 N. 1100 E. American Fork, UT 84003)

Registration Closes May 15th

This annual Youth Retreat just keeps getting better and better. It’s a rare combination of the spiritual, social, and physical. We hope you’ll join us this year for this amazing experience, May 27–30, 2025! We have an incredible line-up inspiring keynote speakers, fun activities, great food (as always), and everything else you’ve come to love about our previous youth retreats.

*For youth turning 12 through 18 years old in 2025.
Jenedy Paige

Jenedy Paige was born with two God-given gifts: she’s an early riser and she’s consistent. She’s used her natural abilities to become a professional oil painter and an American Ninja Warrior athlete. She believes we all have a divine spark that really does make us capable of achieving anything as long as we’re willing to work really really hard for it. She is the biggest fan of her alma-mater, BYU-Idaho, and credits herself as the “product of a great art education.” She is a wife, a mother, a teacher, a runner, and her mom says she struggles with being able to relax. When she’s not in her studio or the gym, she loves to be in her kitchen, creating delicious healthy food for her family. She thanks God every day for carefully leading her down a path she could have never imagined for herself.

Oba Photos 2023-28
Oba Bonner

Oba Bonner is a songwriter, actor, and music producer. Writing songs from start to finish since day one, Oba is no stranger to making music. He has worked with notable mainstream artists like JoJo, Queen Latifah, Why Don’t We, and others. With a unique style that blends smooth melodies and sharp lyricism, Oba brings authenticity and energy to every stage and studio he steps into.

Bio Headshot
Beckie Hennessy

Beckie Hennessy was born and raised in West Valley City, Utah where she currently resides with her 3 children ages 17, 14 and 11.  Professionally, Beckie is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and has been a therapist since 2006.  Prior to opening her own private practice in 2012, Beckie worked for DCFS in Child Protection and Family Preservation.  She also has worked in private practice settings and with a foster care agency.  Beckie worked for LDS Family Services as a therapist for about 4 ½ years where she served on the Child Trauma Team, ran a therapeutic group for adult women who have been molested as children and ran a therapeutic parenting group.  Beckie is an independent facilitator for Love and Logic and is currently a Clinical Partner Specialist-Candidate through APSATS (The Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists).  She has teamed up with a group of therapists and coaches called ACCEPTED in Sandy, Utah where she sees individual clients and couples, runs group therapy, facilitates therapeutic intensives and therapeutic workshops.  She has been a keynote speaker in various capacities and has gotten the opportunity to speak at many Girls Camps, Youth Conferences and other conferences. She has a podcast called “Living Through” (formerly known as “The Path of Imperfection”) and has written an e-book called “Ministering Through Connection”.  Beckie’s best days are spent with her family as they watch movies, blow bubbles in their chocolate milk, and laugh until tears come.  She loves to read, is a TedTalk addict and enjoys taking naps when she’s able.  Beckie has a firm testimony of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and desires to have all know who they are, whose they are and why that matters.

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