Mentor Marketplace
The following courses will have live online classes offered through independent mentors vetted through AHS Worldwide. Live classes are subject to reaching minimum enrollment. Mentor contact and sign-up information will be added to this page as schedules are solidified.
Jeni Starley
This course examines the theme of redemption in literature from a Christian perspective, through the study of four classic works. Students will read and analyze King Lear, The Mayor of Casterbridge, The Bronze Bow, and The Water is Wide, each exploring the complex nature of redemption. Through close reading and discussion, students will deepen their understanding of redemption as a theme and how Christian perspectives can shape our interpretation of literature. Assignments include critical analysis and personal reflection. By the end of the course, students will have a greater appreciation of how literature can inform and enrich our understanding of redemption. Live class sessions will include a prayer, the pledge, a student-led spiritual devotional, an examination of exemplary student work, various group reflections and analysis, as well as preparatory review of upcoming lessons/assignments organized in our “4-R Method”: Research, Reason, Relate and Record.
Course Information:
Class dates/times: Wednesdays at 9 am and 1 pm
* There is a $25 non-refundable deposit fee associated with every course. No refunds will be issued after January 20th.
* A 100% refund will be issued if the class fails to carry due to minimum class size requirements.
Class size: 5-50
Price per student: $230 *per semester
To purchase this service, please click here:
Now Enrolling!
Mentor Biography:
We are thrilled to have Ms. Jeni back for her fourth year with AHS Worldwide!! She has become a cherished mentor and friend to many. She comes uniquely qualified to direct this class as she has a great love for literature and writing alike. Her professional career began as the head corporate paralegal for a large law firm for 10 years, specializing in voluminous written contracts, trusts, and agreements. She was also lead contact for all transactional legal work for the firm. She is also a BYU and UNLV graduate. Her favorite book of all time (besides the scriptures, of course) is “The Hiding Place”, as this non-fiction work masterfully mixes a message of turning trial into triumph coupled with a solid outlook built on Christ. A close second favorite read is “Left To Tell”, which is covered in our AHS course Literature: Moral Aptitude.
Ms. Jeni spent magical summers during college as an EFY (now “FSY”) counselor, where she came to cherish enthusiastic teenagers and spiritually fueled friendships. In her spare time, she currently loves to read/write, cook, travel, walk/talk with friends, Disneyland and BYU football games! GO COUGS! She lives in Provo, Utah, where she was born and raised, but she has also lived in Las Vegas and Oregon. She has two children, ages 8 and 10, and values the role of mother above all else. She puts great effort into interpersonal relationships and knows that this unique AHS learning experience requires group effort! She can’t wait to get to know you!!! She loves learning about scholar’s unique life stories and values time spent getting to know them and their diverse abilities. She has a fun sense of humor, which makes her live classes especially enjoyable. Her favorite mentoring mantra is “The Lord loves effort, and so do I!” Remember: what you put into this course determines what you get out of this class… your overall experience is up to you!
Jeni Starley
Literature: Reaching for Redemption
This course examines the theme of redemption in literature from...
Debbie Christensen
Live class structure will vary according to student needs but will always begin with a prayer and a spiritual thought. Various teaching and learning activities will be incorporated into each class and will encourage both learning and teaching (e.g., class discussion, small group activities, Q&A, experiential learning, competitions, role plays, analysis of models, real-world case studies, occasional lecture, etc.). As a result, students will be engaged, thoughtful, and eager to participate and learn.
Course Information:
* There is a $25 non-refundable deposit fee associated with every course. No refunds will be issued after January 20th.
* A 100% refund will be issued if the class fails to carry due to minimum class size requirements.
Class size: 8-40
Price per student: $215 *per semester
To purchase this service, please click here:
Now Enrolling!
Debbie Christensen holds a MA in English Rhetoric and Composition and a BA in Spanish Secondary Education. In her 25-year teaching career, she has mentored and loved students of all ages, elementary through adult, teaching them through a wide range of subjects, including literature, writing, reading, communication, business, entrepreneurship, ESL, and Spanish. Her passion for teaching centers on helping people recognize their true potential as they develop academic skills, hone their divinely inherited gifts, and use their talents in service to others. She continues to pursue personal and professional excellence by studying the life of the Savior and his exemplary teaching. Of all her accomplishments, her most treasured is being a wife and a mother to three incredible children.
Debbie Christensen
Written Portfolio B - Narrative Flow and Structure
Live class structure will vary according to student needs but...
Heather Merrill
Live classes will include an opening devotional, followed by a Research, Reason, Relate, and Record format for reviewing the class material, with an emphasis on application. Where appropriate, review or additional material to supplement the weekly subject matter will be presented. Class sessions will have a strong emphasis on learning by teaching, in which students will have opportunities to reinforce their own learning by sharing it with others. This will be accomplished through discussion questions, chats, surveys, games, questions and answers, small or large group exercises, debates, etc. Students will be asked to present and discuss exemplary work. This experience is unique because it encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning, and gives them a safe environment in which to do so.
Course Information:
Class dates/times:
Constitutional Studies – Thursdays at 10 am
* There is a $25 non-refundable deposit fee associated with every course. No refunds will be issued after January 20th.
Class size: 5-48
Price per student: $200 *per semester
To purchase this service, please click here:
Enrolling Now!
Hello! My name is Mrs. Merrill. I live in Westminster, CO with my husband and children. I attended BYU in Provo, where I earned both my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and my Master of Organizational Behavior degree. I worked in Human Resources and Management Training before getting married and becoming a mom. I started homeschooling my own children 15 years ago and began using the Family School Curriculum and AHS Online starting in 2012. My two oldest sons have graduated from homeschool and have gone on to missions and university studies, and I have two children still at home studying through AHS Worldwide and other independent study programs. Since 2020, I have been working for AHS Worldwide as a Curriculum Developer and Learning Coach for the high school history courses. My interests include reading, exercise and nutrition, cooking, home improvement, and taking trips with my family. Family members and friends would characterize me as organized, diligent, studious, hard-working, and engaging. The most important thing to know about me is my great love for Jesus Christ and my firm testimony of His gospel! After many years of teaching my own and other children academic subjects through a gospel lens, I can testify of the fruits of seeking to learn by study AND by faith. I love working with youth to encourage them to strengthen their testimonies and prepare for a lifetime of service on the covenant path.
Heather Merrill
Constitutional Studies
Live classes will include an opening devotional, followed by a...
Lisa Allphin
The world around us is alive and constantly changing. Studying biology provides intriguing glimpses into God’s creations and their processes. Biology is the branch of science that studies life and living organisms. This includes such subjects as the cell, genes, inheritance, microorganisms, plants, animals, and the human body. This course is designed to introduce students to each of the many branches of biology. These include biochemistry (the chemical reactions needed to support life), physiology (how living organisms function), genetics (the study of DNA and inheritance), ecology (how organisms interact with their environment), agriculture (the study of producing crops from the land), botany (the study of plants), and zoology (the study of animals).
What makes my classroom learning experience unique? We will be diving deeper into how biology is connected to everyday phenomena with live demonstrations and virtual labs. Students will also experience content through discussion, research, peer reviews and using a variety of technology to analyze data. I will also be incorporating the Next Generation Science Standards to help students develop the habits and skills that scientists and engineers use in day-to-day life. I am passionate about helping students see themselves as citizen scientists even if this is not their main interest.
All instruction will be focused on having a growth mindset, mutual respect and making each time we meet memorable. We will remember that every expert was a beginner at some point, and this course will be taught around this perspective. I will showcase a standard of excellence through highlighting exemplary student work. I will be available to answer questions through email and I will provide office hours for students to meet with me 1-on-1, as needed (but not required).
Course Information:
Class date/time: Wednesdays at 10 am and 2 pm
* There is a $25 non-refundable deposit fee associated with every course. No refunds will be issued after January 20th.
* A 100% refund will be issued if the class fails to carry due to minimum class size requirements.
Class size: 8-40
Price per student: $215 *per semester
To purchase this service, please click here:
Enrolling Now!
Hi! I’m Mrs. Allphin, and I will be your Biology Mentor this semester. I’ve been married for 30 years, and I have 5 children and 4 grandchildren. I have a Bachelor of Science in Biology – Secondary Education, from Brigham Young University and a Master of Science -Secondary Teaching, from the University of Utah with an emphasis in Earth Science. I have taught biology, integrated sciences, and earth sciences for the past 11 years through Alpine school district and have mentored over 2,000 students during that time. I have a great love of water and of water conservation because my family has loved to go boating, especially in the desert regions of our state. I have been a volunteer with Utah Water Watch for 10 years and have been involved in local water monitoring. I also volunteer with the Central Utah Water Conservancy District with their outreach program in efforts to increase awareness about the water quality by promoting good stewardship of Utah’s aquatic resources. I love making science fun, understandable and applicable for my students. Friends, family, and faculty members would say that I am an enthusiastic, kind, and creative individual who genuinely tries to help others be successful. I love and believe in my students and feel it an honor every day to be an educator. My love for science has only deepened my testimony of the Jesus Christ and “that by him, and through him, the worlds are and were created and that I am a begotten (child) of God” (D&C 76:24)
Lisa Allphin
The world around us is alive and constantly changing. Studying...
Lisa Allphin
Our math courses are as follows:
Math 7
Algebra 1
Algebra 2
Course Information:
* This service is automatically included with all for-credit math courses.
Enrolling Now!
Hi! I’m Mrs. Allphin, and I will be your Biology Mentor this semester. I’ve been married for 30 years, and I have 5 children and 4 grandchildren. I have a Bachelor of Science in Biology – Secondary Education, from Brigham Young University and a Master of Science -Secondary Teaching, from the University of Utah with an emphasis in Earth Science. I have taught biology, integrated sciences, and earth sciences for the past 11 years through Alpine school district and have mentored over 2,000 students during that time. I have a great love of water and of water conservation because my family has loved to go boating, especially in the desert regions of our state. I have been a volunteer with Utah Water Watch for 10 years and have been involved in local water monitoring. I also volunteer with the Central Utah Water Conservancy District with their outreach program in efforts to increase awareness about the water quality by promoting good stewardship of Utah’s aquatic resources. I love making science fun, understandable and applicable for my students. Friends, family, and faculty members would say that I am an enthusiastic, kind, and creative individual who genuinely tries to help others be successful. I love and believe in my students and feel it an honor every day to be an educator. My love for science has only deepened my testimony of the Jesus Christ and “that by him, and through him, the worlds are and were created and that I am a begotten (child) of God” (D&C 76:24)
Lisa Allphin
Math Grader
Our math courses are as follows: Pre-Algebra Math 7 Algebra...
Rhaine Gardner
Hello students and parents! I will be providing private tutoring at a rate of $20 for a 30 minute session. I may also offer group tutoring sessions which would have between 2-3 students for $15 for a 30 minute session if there is enough interest. A group session would have students from the same course (Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, etc.). I will help students with homework problems, test problems, and also give them extra practice problems in areas where they struggle.
Tutor Information:
Tutoring options: 1-1; group
Price per session (individual): $40 per hour
Price per session (group): $25 per person (max 4 students)
Enrolling Now!
I have a Bachelors in Science for Marriage and Family Studies from Brigham Young University-Idaho. I also have two years’ experience teaching math full time as a licensed Arizona educator. I taught 7th grade, 8th grade, and Algebra 1 Honors for one year and the second year I taught Geometry and Algebra 2. I feel one of my strengths is being able to explain math concepts in a way that makes sense to people who are not great at math. This past year I had the privilege of teaching a new Algebra 2 course for my school that was aimed to help students who needed extra help. That class and those students helped me to improve my ability to teach to students who typically struggle. As a mentor, I care deeply about the student I work with. I want to build relationships with my students so that they know I don’t just care about their math knowledge, but I care about their growth as a person and as a child of God as well. I teach that math is about building life skills because we learn how to train our brains to solve problems by using both logic and creativity which they will use for the rest of their lives.
Rhaine Gardner
Math Tutor
Hello students and parents! I will be providing private tutoring...
Ame Burton
When I hold class, I like to avoid lecturing for the entire meeting time since the students are working through some of the material on their own. During class I would like to lecture on the most important parts of that week’s lessons and then answer any questions students may have had about the material. Weekly discussions will revolve around how the lessons may be applied in their own circumstances or hypothetical circumstances. I feel that family studies are best understood when students can see the principles in their own lives. I will ensure there is discussion where students can gain a deeper understanding of what they’ve learned.
The live class provides opportunities for presenting to an audience of peers, seeing leadership ideas and tools in real life, as well as making crucial connections to gospel principles. We begin with prayer, the national anthem, and a spiritual connection all directed by the students themselves. Then we review past concepts with activities and view student work from the assignments when helpful. The majority of class time is used to enrich the learning and application of new concepts through small and large group activities.
Office hours will be available and included in the cost.
Course Information:
Class dates/times: Mondays at 9 pm
* There is a $25 non-refundable deposit fee associated with every course. No refunds will be issued after January 20th.
* A 100% refund will be issued if the class fails to carry due to minimum class size requirements.
Class size: 5-28
Price per student: $210 *per semester
To purchase this service, please click here:
Now Enrolling!
A teacher at heart, Ame has sought out or created ways to teach one topic or another for the past three decades after graduating from Utah State University and earning top awards for two consecutive years. From ASL to preschool, and from art and music to adventure-based leadership courses she constructed, finding ways to spark in others a love for learning has brought her incredible joy. It all began when she taught a class of Japanese exchange students learning about American culture. She hopes it will conclude teaching foreign students once again, simultaneously the gospel intertwined with life skills. Thankfully for AHS, she has experienced the joy of daily doing exactly that.
Having raised five amazing children in Nebraska, Ame and her husband, Lindsay, now get to experience the world with new perspective and increased freedom which includes more travel, more house remodeling, and many more new friends as they pursue dreams of building a ‘family retreat’ acreage for all to enjoy.
Ame Burton
Family Science
When I hold class, I like to avoid lecturing for...
Ame Burton
In this course, students will learn computer technology skills and their application from a Gospel centered perspective. These skills include: Efficient retrieval of information from Internet resources; Mastery of personal productivity and communication tools; and Content evaluation for quality and Gospel harmony. Skills will be developed using the Internet, Microsoft Office software (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint), Google Docs, operating system file management, and email. The primary methods of instruction will include research, in-depth functionality training, and tutorials. Students will be given opportunities to relate and apply their acquired skills in course assignments and projects. Students will make application of these skills throughout their life in continued education, work, and Church service.
Course Information:
Class dates/times: Tuesday at 10 am
* There is a $25 non-refundable deposit fee associated with every course. No refunds will be issued after January 20th.
Class size: 5-28
Price per student: $210 *per semester
To purchase this service, please click here:
Now Enrolling!
A teacher at heart, Ame has sought out or created ways to teach one topic or another for the past three decades after graduating from Utah State University and earning top awards for two consecutive years. From ASL to preschool, and from art and music to adventure-based leadership courses she constructed, finding ways to spark in others a love for learning has brought her incredible joy. It all began when she taught a class of Japanese exchange students learning about American culture. She hopes it will conclude teaching foreign students once again, simultaneously the gospel intertwined with life skills. Thankfully for AHS, she has experienced the joy of daily doing exactly that.
Having raised five amazing children in Nebraska, Ame and her husband, Lindsay, now get to experience the world with new perspective and increased freedom which includes more travel, more house remodeling, and many more new friends as they pursue dreams of building a ‘family retreat’ acreage for all to enjoy.
Ame Burton
Business Technology
In this course, students will learn computer technology skills and...
Emily Deibel
Each writing class will include rush write sessions of 90 seconds to get the creative juices going, small group discussions where students can give feedback to their peers on their papers. We will also read aloud and dissect the writings of well-known authors. We will also read the exemplary work done by students on a final draft. Writing is a process, and I would like students to write several drafts of a long paper over the course of a term and improve it through revision with peers and the Mentor. Writers only get better by writing and writing and writing again, followed by reading as much as possible. Each class will include time to write, time to read, and time to share.
Course Information:
Class date/time: Thursdays at 1 pm.
* There is a $25 non-refundable deposit fee associated with every course. No refunds will be issued after January 20th.
* A 100% refund will be issued if the class fails to carry due to minimum class size requirements.
Class size: 5-25
Price per student: $185 *per semester
To purchase this service, please click here:
Now Enrolling!
Emily Deibel lives in Saginaw, Michigan. She is a mother of four children and one grandchild. She graduated with a B.A. in English and a minor in History from Brigham Young University. After raising little children, she published one Young Adult novel with Fire and Ice Publishing. The COVID years saw her sifting through a mountain of homework to earn a Family History Research Certificate from BYU Idaho. She loves finding out everything she can about her relatives and taking their names to the temple–especially doing baptisms with her teenage sons. Emily coached two classes at American Heritage Worldwide from 2022-2023: Artistic Performance and Experiential Learning. Each semester, she enjoyed tackling a new project along with her students and loved seeing the progress everyone made on their goals.
Emily Deibel
MS Language Arts
Each writing class will include rush write sessions of 90...
Jeni Starley
Senior Thesis is 0.5 credit class that is a prerequisite for graduation from American Heritage School. The purpose of this class is to give students an opportunity to exercise the 4-R (Research, Reason, Relate, and Record) methodology to produce and publish a culminating project.
Course Objectives
Students will demonstrate their mastery of the curriculum through the following tasks:
- Formulate research questions
- Access and interview subject matter experts
- Access and review relevant research literature
- Read and annotate relevant literature for argument
- Distill and concisely summarize an author’s argument and evidence
- Compare and contrast arguments
- Identify implications by reasoning about effects of decisions
- Compose a clear, well-organized, fluid paper of 20+ pages that establishes a persuasive argument
- Document paper properly using APA citation style
- Orally present with confidence and graceful delivery before an adjudication committee
Course Information:
No live classes; mentor will coordinate group meetings and 1-on-1 meetings.
* There is a $25 non-refundable deposit fee associated with every course. No refunds will be issued after January 20th.
* A 100% refund will be issued if the class fails to carry due to minimum class size requirements.
Class size: 5-50
Price per student: $200 *per semester
To purchase this service, please click here:
Now Enrolling!
Mentor Biography:
We are thrilled to have Ms. Jeni back for her fourth year with AHS Worldwide! She has become a cherished mentor and friend to many. She comes uniquely qualified to direct this class as she has a great love for literature and writing alike. Her professional career began as the head corporate paralegal for a large law firm for 10 years, specializing in voluminous written contracts, trusts, and agreements. She was also lead contact for all transactional legal work for the firm. She is also a BYU and UNLV graduate. Her favorite book of all time (besides the scriptures, of course) is “The Hiding Place”, as this non-fiction work masterfully mixes a message of turning trial into triumph coupled with a solid outlook built on Christ. A close second favorite read is “Left To Tell”, which is covered in our AHS course Literature: Moral Aptitude.
Ms. Jeni spent magical summers during college as an EFY (now “FSY”) counselor, where she came to cherish enthusiastic teenagers and spiritually fueled friendships. In her spare time, she currently loves to read/write, cook, travel, walk/talk with friends, Disneyland and BYU football games! GO COUGS! She lives in Provo, Utah, where she was born and raised, but she has also lived in Las Vegas and Oregon. She has two children, ages 8 and 10, and values the role of mother above all else. She puts great effort into interpersonal relationships and knows that this unique AHS learning experience requires group effort! She can’t wait to get to know you!!! She loves learning about scholar’s unique life stories and values time spent getting to know them and their diverse abilities. She has a fun sense of humor, which makes her live classes especially enjoyable. Her favorite mentoring mantra is “The Lord loves effort, and so do I!” Remember: what you put into this course determines what you get out of this class… your overall experience is up to you!
Jeni Starley
Senior Thesis
Senior Thesis is 0.5 credit class that is a prerequisite...
Lisa Allphin
Chemistry is a subject full of awe and wonder.
Romans 1:20 tells us: “For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature.”
Chemistry is the study of the make-up of all things and how the elements interact with each other. Because chemistry is the study of matter, it is the connecting science that is central to physics and mathematics, biology and medicine, the earth and environmental sciences. Knowledge of the nature of elements, molecules and chemical compounds will provide insights on how all things were created as well as the chemical laws by which God governs his creations.
Chemistry is magical and just like a good “potions class” from Hogwarts, this course would not be complete without chemistry labs. This course will incorporate interactive activities, virtual lab simulations and live demonstrations to help students better understand the concepts of chemistry make the learning experience engaging and fun.
What makes my classroom learning experience unique? We will be diving deeper into how chemistry and chemical technology is essential for meeting our basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, health, energy, and clean air, water, and soil. Next Generation Science Standards will be incorporated to help students develop essential scientific skillsets to analyze and understand the world around them. I am passionate about helping students see themselves as citizen scientists even if this is not their main interest.
All instruction will be focused on having a growth mindset, mutual respect and making each time we meet memorable. We will remember that every expert was a beginner at some point, and this course will be taught around this perspective. I will showcase a standard of excellence
through highlighting exemplary student work. I will be available to answer questions through email and I will provide office hours for students to meet with me 1-on-1, as needed (but not required).
Course Information:
Class date/time: Wednesdays at 11 am
* There is a $25 non-refundable deposit fee associated with every course. No refunds will be issued after January 20th.
* A 100% refund will be issued if the class fails to carry due to minimum class size requirements.
Class size: 8-40
Price per student: $215 *per semester
To purchase this service, please click here:
Enrolling Now!
Hi! I’m Mrs. Allphin, and I will be your Biology Mentor this semester. I’ve been married for 30 years, and I have 5 children and 4 grandchildren. I have a Bachelor of Science in Biology – Secondary Education, from Brigham Young University and a Master of Science -Secondary Teaching, from the University of Utah with an emphasis in Earth Science. I have taught biology, integrated sciences, and earth sciences for the past 11 years through Alpine school district and have mentored over 2,000 students during that time. I have a great love of water and of water conservation because my family has loved to go boating, especially in the desert regions of our state. I have been a volunteer with Utah Water Watch for 10 years and have been involved in local water monitoring. I also volunteer with the Central Utah Water Conservancy District with their outreach program in efforts to increase awareness about the water quality by promoting good stewardship of Utah’s aquatic resources. I love making science fun, understandable and applicable for my students. Friends, family, and faculty members would say that I am an enthusiastic, kind, and creative individual who genuinely tries to help others be successful. I love and believe in my students and feel it an honor every day to be an educator. My love for science has only deepened my testimony of the Jesus Christ and “that by him, and through him, the worlds are and were created and that I am a begotten (child) of God” (D&C 76:24)
Lisa Allphin
Chemistry is a subject full of awe and wonder. Romans...
Kristen Wilkinson
The ScholarConnect Physics course touches on the basics of kinematics, optics, material science, fluids, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism. Many of these phenomena can look like magic when demonstrated. In class, we aim to learn that physics isn’t magic, but something repeatable and understandable. Using the language of math, we can predict behaviors, and understand what is happening in any given circumstance. This helps us to get a glimpse at how miraculous God’s creations are, and how He works in the universe.
We will spend class time doing demos (both on screen and each student at home), setting up and understanding example problems, and discussing why it all matters. Mrs. Wilkinson will have limited office hours later in the week to answer questions that have come up while solving homework problems.
Course Information:
* There is a $25 non-refundable deposit fee associated with every course. No refunds will be issued after January 20th.
* A 100% refund will be issued if the class fails to carry due to minimum class size requirements.
Class size: 8-35
Price per student: $215 *per semester
To purchase this service, please click here:
Enrolling Now!
When Mrs. Wilkinson was 9 years old, the Voyager spacecraft made its closest approach to the planet Saturn, sending back stunning images and showing us for the first time that Saturn didn’t just have 3 rings, but hundreds of smaller rings. She was hooked on science, math, and space exploration from that point on.
After a mission to Germany, Mrs. Wilkinson graduated in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. She worked on spacecraft propulsion systems until her children were born. She and her husband are currently raising their four kids in Utah but have lived all over the United States and even overseas in Amman, Jordan.
Mrs. Wilkinson’s desire to teach Physics led her to go back to school for a Master’s degree in Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences. While finishing that degree, she did an internship with American Heritage School Worldwide and has never left. This is Mrs. Wilkinson’s third year with American Heritage.
Mrs. Wilkinson is excited to try to help students find the passion for physics that she learned from other great teachers. She hopes to show how understanding the physics of the world can be used in your day-to-day life.
When Mrs. Wilkinson has down time, you will mostly likely find her reading a great book. She also loves camping and hiking with her family, as well as animals of all kinds.
Kristen Wilkinson
The ScholarConnect Physics course touches on the basics of...
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