Schedules (7–12)

AHS Online is an innovative online program that combines flexible, independent learning; social interaction with peers and teachers; and personalized education with frequent, individual coaching sessions.

This year we are offering classes at different times. Students can sign up for whichever live classes meet their timetable. Schedule times are in the Mountain Time Zone (MST and DST). The individual study times are shown as examples only. Students may adapt their individual schedules for math and assignments as they prefer.

Middle School

High School

Registration DATES & DEADLINES

Individual Work: Students independently learn concepts for each class by watching explanatory videos of AHS teachers, by studying the resources linked in the lesson, and by completing assignments two days before each live class. Students should plan to dedicate about 20 hours of independent work per week.

Math Class: Each student is assigned a math course on their individual level, and so there is not a live class with other students. Students should plan to complete one math lesson a day and one test per week, though some may progress more rapidly. Students will be invited to attend a weekly teaching session for their respective math level from 11:00–12:00 PM according to the schedule above. During that hour, the main concepts for the following week will be taught by our new math teacher. Second, from 2:00–4:00 PM daily, students will be encouraged to attend math lab, where we will employee two college-level math tutors. As students complete their math problem sets and assignments, math tutors will be available to answer their questions.

Live Classes: Students meet  for live online classes with those in their group and with the class learning coach to ask and discuss questions, do group work, and receive feedback.

Individual Coaching: Students can schedule one-on-one, 15-minute coaching sessions as needed and as available. During these sessions, students, parents, and learning coaches discuss ways to personalize the student’s learning experience—such as adapting assignments to better meet the student’s needs. Also, students can ask questions, give and receive feedback, and report progress on assignments. Students will schedule individual sessions with each class learning coach at least once every other week.

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